School Rules and Regulation
Students are to be good ambassadors of the school at all times. All students are expected to be well-behaved, polite and treat one another with respect.
School rules apply within the school premises at all times and during school functions outside the precinct of the school.
(a) Attire
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modifications to the uniform are not allowed (eg: tapering of pants). The skirt must touch the middle of the knee cap. The prescribed school uniform is to be worn by all students when attending school or any school function, or when representing the school.
- Students must wear school attire (e.g. full school uniform or half uniform i.e. PE T-shirt with pants or shorts for boys/PE T-shirt with skirts for girls or approved CCA attire) when they come back to school for any activities on Saturdays and during school holidays.
- Should students need to wear either a jacket, cardigan or pullover, it must be dark/white colour (i.e. blue, black, grey and white). Please note that there should not be any large logos of brands, advertisements or designs on them.
- Students must wear plain white socks with white colour shoes that may have simple, dark/white coloured patterns/logos (i.e. blue, black, grey and white). The inner lining should be lightly coloured (i.e. white, light grey, etc).
- Wearing sandals or flip-flops is permissible only when accompanied by medical reasons. In such cases, students must produce a medical certificate or report.
- Students must wear the school tie on Tuesdays or Thursdays during School Assembly and stipulated school functions.
(b) PE & CCA Attire
- All students must wear the school PE attire during PE lessons.
- After the PE lesson, students are to change into their school uniform and only do so during recess.
- After recess, all students must be in their full school uniform. However, for students who have their PE lesson after recess, they are not required to change into their school uniform. (Note: Students will need to be in their full school uniform with tie when attending assemblies in the hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)
- All students must be in their appropriate PE/CCA attire when reporting and participating in their CCA activities.
- Shirt/PE Shirt neatly tucked in.
- Shorts or long pants worn at waist level.
- Plain white socks covering the ankles.
- White colour shoes that may have simple, dark/white coloured patterns/logos. (i.e. blue, black, grey and white)
- Inner lining should be lightly coloured.
- White shoe laces
- Blouse neatly tucked in.
- Skirt must touch the middle of the knee cap.
- Plain white socks covering the ankles.
- White colour shoes that may have simple, dark/white coloured patterns/logos. (i.e. blue, black, grey and white)
- Inner lining should be lightly coloured.
- White shoe laces
Sales of School Uniforms School uniforms are available for sale:
- online via ,
- at the school bookshop during term time,
- at Shanghai School Uniforms Pte Ltd at 63 Ubi Ave 1, #04-09 63@Ubi, (S) 408937
(c) Personal Grooming
- All students must be neat in appearance.
- Keep fingernails short and clean. No varnish is allowed.
- The following are NOT ALLOWED for all students:
- Wearing tattoos (including henna art) on any part of the body.
- Wearing coloured/fanciful contact lenses or outlandish/tinted spectacles.
- Wearing all forms of jewellery and accessories, e.g. caps, piercings (eg: nose and tongue), necklaces, bracelets and rings.
(i) Boys
- Hair must be short; back with a slope.
- Hair must not cover the ear and the fringes are not to touch the eyebrows.
- Hair must not be tinted or dyed.
- No punky (eg: undercut), spiky and permed hairstyles are allowed.
- Ear accessories are not allowed.
- Facial hair is not allowed. Boys are expected to keep a clean-shaven look at all times.
(ii) Girls
- Hair must not be tinted or dyed.
- Hair that is longer than the upper end of the collar must be tied up neatly.
- Fringes are not to touch the eyebrows.
- Wear only black or dark blue ribbons/hair band/hair clips.
- No punky or permed hairstyle is allowed. No hair extension is allowed.
- A pair of small (maximum diameter: 0.5 cm) and plain studs without any gemstones can be worn in the earlobe. They should be in black, blue, gold or silver colour.
- A pair of ear sticks (only transparent ones) can be worn in the ear lobe.
- No wearing of cosmetics (eg: coloured lip balms, foundation etc)
- Attendance in school is compulsory. Form teachers will check and confirm the daily attendance before the flag raising ceremony.
- Absence from school must be covered by a medical certificate.
- Absence from school without any valid reason will be considered as truancy.
- Students who need to leave the school premises during school hours must seek permission from the Form Teacher/Co-Form Teacher and fill in the form on ‘Permission to Leave the School’. Parents/Guardian must be notified to accompany the student home.
- All students must be punctual when reporting for class or any school activity. Students who do not have a valid reason for being late will face disciplinary action.
Attendance for CCA is compulsory.
(i). If a student is absent from school in the morning, his/her CCA Attendance Status will follow the morning Attendance Status.
(ii). If a student has to leave school before 5.30pm on a CCA Day, he/she must have a valid reason. Students not feeling well must be accompanied by his/her chaperone (parents, guardian or appointed adults). Acceptable valid reasons (i.e. MOE programmes, representation at national events) must be accompanied by official supporting documents.
- Students are not allowed to leave Singapore during term time unless supported with a valid reason that is endorsed by the school.
- Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- All students are to assemble at the parade square by 0730h.
- All students must stand at attention when singing the National Anthem and reciting the Pledge.
- All students will assemble and be dismissed in a quiet and orderly manner under the supervision of the Discipline and Form Teachers.
Students need to exercise self-discipline, integrity and care when using their mobile phone.
- Students are to use their mobile phones in a socially responsible manner. All content shared and communicated via the mobile phone should be respectful, considerate and appropriate towards others.
Students are allowed to bring their mobile phones to school under the following conditions:
(i). The mobile phone must be switched off during curriculum time. Putting the phone in silent mode will not suffice as it will still serve as a potential major distraction to students.
(ii). The use of mobile phone is confined to the 4 designated areas for the whole day. This will be in force the moment the student arrives in school.
- Area 1: Canteen
- Area 2: Sports Area (courts, fitness area and indoor sports area)
- Area 3: Study Pavillion
- Area 4: Foyer
(iii). The mobile phone must not be used to take photos or videos in school, unless permission is given by the school authorities.
Students who do not comply with the above conditions on the use of mobile phone would have the privilege withdrawn.
(i). The mobile phone inclusive of sim card will be retained by the school for 1 week for 1st violation of mobile phone rules, 2 weeks for 2nd violation and 3 weeks for 3rd violation.
2. Parent/Guardian is required to collect the mobile phone inclusive of sim card personally after 1 week for the 1st violation, 2 weeks for 2nd violation and 3 weeks for 3rd violation.
3. Recalcitrant offenders will have the privilege to bring mobile phone to school withdrawn.
- Please take note that the students are responsible for their own mobile phone. The school will not be held responsible for any loss or theft of the mobile phone.
(a) General Conduct
- Students are to be good ambassadors of the school at all times. All students are expected to be well-behaved, polite and treat one another with respect.
- Students are expected to show respect by greeting their teachers when they meet them.
- Students must treat school property with care. No student is to tamper with the fire extinguishers which are used only during emergencies.
- Students must keep the school premises clean, neat and litter free.
- Students must not loiter in the void decks of flats in the neighbourhood after school hours.
- All students must use the pedestrian overhead bridge or the raised zebra crossing when crossing Street 41 and the pedestrian crossing with traffic lights when crossing Street 42.
(b) Behaviour During Curriculum Time
- Students are expected to be attentive and on task during lessons.
- Students are responsible for their personal belongings (e.g: wallets, mobile phone, personal laptops and personal learning devices) at all times.
- Healthy snacks should be consumed in class only during the snack break from 0950 – 1000 or 1230 – 1240 hrs daily.
- Movement to and from classrooms should be brisk and orderly. Students should move in two neat files quietly.
- Only the teacher taking the class may grant students permission to leave the class.
- Students who leave the classroom must wear the Permission Pass issued by the subject teacher.
(c) Behaviour During Recess and Lunch
- Students must queue up when buying food and are not allowed to buy food and drinks on behalf of others.
- All food and beverages must be consumed in the canteen.
- Used crockery and bottles must be returned to the respective stalls or to the receptacles provided in the canteen. Students are to ensure that leftovers and unwanted food are thrown into the bins provided and not left on the tables.
- All students must return to their classrooms immediately when the bell rings to signal the end of recess.
The following are considered very serious offences and may lead to disciplinary actions being taken against the offender.
- Abuse of technology
- Vandalism
- Smoking, stealing, gambling, fighting, bullying and hooliganism
- Use of abusive or foul language
- Insubordination and insolence to teachers and student leaders
- Forging signatures of parents and persons of authority
- Persistent non-conformity with school rules
- Misbehaviour in or outside school that is detrimental to the good name of the school
- Wilful absenteeism
- Gambling or betting in any form
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
7. Table of Minor Offences and Consequences
7. Table of Major Offences and Consequences